29 May, 2008

Dear Kate Beaton: an email to be read that I was afraid to send from my work address.


You do not know me, nor do I know you, but from reading your comics I have discovered you found a way to procure massive (?) amounts of money so as to pay off your college loan in a quicker way.
I also have a fairly useless degree (at least in the current economic state my country of US is in) and quite the sizable college loan. How does one go about procuring dreadful work that though dreadful will possibly pay off my college loan much more quickly than the dreadful work I do now? I have heard that it is not difficult to get work visas in Canada if one has a college degree and knows some amount of French (I have and can do both!).
Perhaps your dreadful workplace has an equally dreadful place that is also equal in money-making capacity somewhere in the United States (Alaska?)?
Please let me know if you know anything (or not!). Either way, thanks for the laffs; your comic is a hoot.
From a confused and broke Minnesotan in California,
Jen Dockter

PS. Don't be fooled that I work for Goldman Sachs, I work in their services department through a 3rd party staffing company. I make very little money; particularly for the cost of living in such a place as San Francisco.

28 May, 2008

Every day, there, just waiting to suck.

Excel: for sucking, every time!

I hate my job. I would like a new job. Do you have a job for me? LET ME KNOW.

23 May, 2008

She asked for it..

Hey people, all maybe 5 of you that read this blog. If you use this page as a comics bookmarker, you will be pleased to know that Anders Loves Maria is back in production. Ms. Rene asked people who link to her to get the word out, so yeah. There is the word. It's back; go read it.

21 May, 2008

Thanks for the heads up

Thanks to the wonderful author of Alma Mater (you can find their link over in the ridiculous comics and blogs roll), I now know the comic I was looking for is The Non-Adventures of Wonderella; which is now added to the roll as well. Check it out! It is fairly tongue-in-cheek funny.